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Log of new historic info added to the site

12 Sept 2021

Martin test

5 Apr 2021

View of the old petrol station added

5 Apr 2021

New photo of Church Barns aded

4 Apr 2021

When post office was next to Gower cottage

4 Apr 2021

Lady behind Groose cottage about 1920

16 Mar 2021

Historic views of The Britannia Inn

14 Mar 2021

Historic view of Glebe house, Who are the people? Reg as a child maybe?

12 Mar 2021

Church Barns when they were pig accommodation not holiday lets.

10 Mar 2021

Inside and outside The Farmers Arms when it was a pub.

9 Mar 2021

Historic views of Cwm Ivy cottage and The Old Courthouse,

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